Teach My Toddler is
the 1st all-in-one learning system for toddlers. The
toddler tote has 17 coordinated teaching tools to
help toddlers master the basics; alphabet, numbers,
shapes and colours. 5 puzzles, 4 board books, 4 posters
and 4 sets of flashcards, all in one handy carrying
No need to go to several stores
buying individual pieces! The aim of Teach
My Toddler is to give toddlers a headstart
and to encourage interaction between the toddler and
their parents, grandparents and caregivers.
The toddler tote is portable, so
it is perfect for the cottage, Grandma’s or
on the airplane! Teach My Toddler
is designed for 18 months+. Just 20 minutes a day
with Teach My Toddler and busy parents
can make a difference!
Retail Price $39.99.
$5.00 to any province in Canada
Since I've been using
Teach My Toddler with my son, I have
been impressed with how my son is learning. In a short
amount of time he has learned to identify the colours
and most of the shapes covered in Teach My
Toddler. He loves to open the tote himself
and he tells me which part he wants to do. Teach
My Toddler is a great learning tool for your
little one as it has many components that helps to
reinforce each topic, from puzzles, flashcards, posters
and books. It's well designed, visually stimulating
and easy to follow. Teach My Toddler
is a tool that your little one will enjoy and learn
at the same time.